Being a student in Mechanical Engineering, I have found very few female student in this department. In my undergrad, in Bangladesh, we were 9 girls out of 60 students. In my Ph.D. program, in University of Nevada Las Vegas, I have seen the same scenario. While there are a lot of female students in Computer Science department, it is very negligible in Mechanical Engineering. The reason is, most of the job fields of Mechanical Engineers are field work which is meant to be suitable for male only. In fact, in some jobs of Bangladesh, it is written that only boys are allowed to work. I understand, females need a secured area to work. But still if we, the females do not come forward to establish ourselves to be eligible, then this sector will never change. So, we should hold “Enthusiasm and Passion” to work on and make the field for next generation.
I am from Bangladesh which is a developing country. Now the acceptance of woman in job sector is increasing. But still women are depriving in many ways. More woman should be engaged in the STEM field not only in Bangladesh, but all over the world. Government can assign STEM related text books, technological and coding training and competition with free of cost for female children.
In future, I would like to see more woman in STEM field, and obviously in Mechanical Engineering. I believe women are now thinking out of the box and in near future they will be engaged equally as men in every sector. Also it is important that men share household chores to assist their women so that women can get enough time to work on their passion.
I personally would like to demonstrate the education and job nature and opportunity in Mechanical Engineering field to the high school girls so that they can a good idea and can get inspiration. University can launch a course which will require students from different STEM field to come forward to teach and demonstrate their own field to high school students. Initiation and financial issues may come forward but these can be avoided by proper thinking and consideration.