Nothing has proved to be more effective in gaining recognition for me than the skill of simple participation. Participation in any program with a primary goal of lifelong improvement for many has proven to be a giant catalyst for public recognition for me and many others. In conclusion, in order to strengthen the recognition of women in the STEM program, more women need to participate in the STEM program.
Ina document written by the US Department of Commerce in August 2011, research has shown that “Although women fill close to half of all jobs In the U.S. economy, they hold less than 25 percent of STEM jobs.”‘ Women have been recognized for only a select few accomplishments in the STEM program because there are not many who follow through with the STEM program as their choice for a career. Women are more than capable of taking up STEM-bass jobs; however, because there are many women who are either unwilling to make the commitment or are unable to gain the support necessary, there Is very little for women in the STEM program to show.
So, how does one increase numbers of participation? First things first, there needs to be an outlet of Introduction to the topic at hand. For Instance, the Idea of engineering did not even cross my mind until I decided to try out the engineering Class that was provided by the Fredericksburg High School, and now my goal is to take up engineering as my career choice. We must encourage more middle schools and high schools to consider establishing some sort of rocket program, robotics program, etc. to introduce upcoming students at reasonably early age to the possibilities of a career In STEM.
However, It does not have to stop there. We can further this along by providing women with an option outside of school as well; specifically, encouraging companies associated with the STEM program to have some employees mentor young women. Basically, shadowing that is more interactive and hands-on. Influence mainly comes from the people you know and respect and skill la developed through a constant state of learning and applying; so, by allowing people experienced with the topic take on the task of teaching women who have applied or are Interested in applying to complete the STEM program, we would then bring inspiration to go full-In with idea of a career in STEM as well as the preparation to do so for young women. However, are there companies that would be willing to At so? Honestly, It would not surprise me If there are. For instance, SystemsGo, a company associated with Fredericksburg High School, is basically passing down what they learned to the next generation by providing Fredericksburg High School with what they need and consulting with the engineering teacher about student learning and progress. Personal or group mentoring would just be if they took it a step further.
In conclusion, we must enhance interactions between the school system, companies and programs associated with the STEM program, and the students. If we do so, we provide more women with the preparation and inspiration to go full-in with the idea of a career in STEM.