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banner image with calculator and numbers highlighting significant digits

Significant Digit Considerations for Weighing Applications

Accurate load cell measurements rely on proper rounding techniques to ensure data sets are within the range of a manufacturer's specifications. Learn more about this here.
artwork of a scale with question marks around it and a calculator and a lightbulb

Measurement Uncertainty in Force Measurement

Here we present general ways to evaluate uncertainty in force measurement applications. We also relate these concepts to the uncertainty figures given with load cell product specifications.
banner artwork showing a strain gauge - a thin wire etched onto a small card

The Versatile Strain Gauge Load Cell

For load measurement, strain gauge load cells are cost-effective, accurate and highly configurable. Learn about their properties and how their bridge configurations affect accuracy.
An Overview of Load Cells title artwork

An Overview of Load Cells

Learn about different load cell types that exist and what applications they are suited for: strain gauge, hydraulic, pneumatic, capacitive and piezoelectric transducers