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load cell maintenance

banner artwork for an article with a man holding a checklist for how to properly store and handle a load cell

Quality Control: Load Cell Handling, Storage and Preservation Do’s and Don’ts

Load cells contain delicate electronics and require careful handling. Learn quality control procedures for handling, storing and preserving load cells to extend their service life.
Calibrating the Measuring Chain featured artwork

Calibrating the Force Measuring System

A measuring system has many elements from the force sensor to the output device. Each can potentially introduce error. This article explains calibration's contribution to the accuracy of the measuring system's output.
artwork of a noisy signal

Reducing Noise in Very Sensitive Load Cell Applications

In force measurement, environmental noise such as voltage interferes with sensitive load cell applications, leading to errors. Learn best practices on how to reduce these unwanted effects.
title artwork for article

Load Cell Mounting and Installation Best Practices

What are the most important considerations when mounting and installing load cells in scales or industrial systems? This guide gives best-practice tips.
How to Test for Faults in Load Cells title artwork

How to Test for Faults in Load Cells

From time to time, load cells may encounter faults that disrupt their performance. This guide explains step-by-step tests to identify and resolve common strain gauge load cell faults like unstable readings, overloads and erratic output display.