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Measurement Optimization

Computer drawing in cartoon style of a disk load cell of gray color surrounded by ice blue colored snowflakes of various sizes. The load cell is highlighted by a very light gray blue oval in its background

Understanding Winter Temperature’s Effects on Load Cells and Weigh Systems

Winter’s temperature extremes and fluctuations can present multiple challenges to your weighing equipment’s proper function. From material expansion and contraction ... Read more
banner drawing of load cell mounts for mount comparison article

A Comparison of Tacuna Systems Load Cell Mounts and Modules

Discover which load cell mount or module is best for your application with this comparison chart of over 20 products sold by Tacuna Systems.
banner artwork for an article with a man holding a checklist for how to properly store and handle a load cell

Quality Control: Load Cell Handling, Storage and Preservation Do’s and Don’ts

Load cells contain delicate electronics and require careful handling. Learn quality control procedures for handling, storing and preserving load cells to extend their service life.
Calibrating the Measuring Chain featured artwork

Calibrating the Force Measuring System

A measuring system has many elements from the force sensor to the output device. Each can potentially introduce error. This article explains calibration's contribution to the accuracy of the measuring system's output.
artwork of a junction box

Load Cell Summing: Junction Boxes, Signal Trim, and Excitation Trim

Weighing systems often require multiple load cells to record accurate measurements. In this case, a junction or summing box combines signals from these distributed load cell devices. Learn here the trimming process that equalizes these multiple signals to ensure combined signal accuracy.
artwork of a noisy signal

Reducing Noise in Very Sensitive Load Cell Applications

In force measurement, environmental noise such as voltage interferes with sensitive load cell applications, leading to errors. Learn best practices on how to reduce these unwanted effects.
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Load Cell Mounting and Installation Best Practices

What are the most important considerations when mounting and installing load cells in scales or industrial systems? This guide gives best-practice tips.
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Installing and Mounting Piezoelectric Force Transducers

Piezoelectric force transducers are small in size and well-suited for applications requiring miniature components or dynamic force measurement. This article explains how to install and mount them for highest accuracy.
How To Measure Axial Thrust Using a Load Cell

How to Measure Axial Thrust Using a Load Cell

Learn about axial thrust in rotating equipment, how to measure it and mitigate problems it causes. We focus on the specific example of a centrifugal pump.