IP rating article banner image

What Does the IP Rating of a Load Cell Mean?

All load cells come with a marking such as “IP57”. What does this marking tell you? This article gives a brief but detailed explanation of the Ingress Protection rating on all load cells.

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Continuum Robots and Tactile Sensors

A continuum robot is a continuously articulating robotic arm capable of maneuvering in restricted spaces. Learn how it works and its uses as tech advances.

artwork of computer in between two stylized printed circuit boards

Load Cell Classes: NIST Requirements

What is a NIST-defined load cell class and what does it imply about a load cell’s performance and accuracy? What is NTEP compliance? Learn here!

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Measurement Uncertainty in Force Measurement

Here we present general ways to evaluate uncertainty in force measurement applications. We also relate these concepts to the uncertainty figures given with load cell product specifications.

banner artwork showing a strain gauge - a thin wire etched onto a small card

The Versatile Strain Gauge Load Cell

For load measurement, strain gauge load cells are cost-effective, accurate and highly configurable. Learn about their properties and how their bridge configurations affect accuracy.

artwork of a junction box

Load Cell Summing: Junction Boxes, Signal Trim, and Excitation Trim

Weighing systems often require multiple load cells to record accurate measurements. In this case, a junction or summing box combines signals from these distributed load cell devices. Learn here the trimming process that equalizes these multiple signals to ensure combined signal accuracy.