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  • Anyload 808CH Remote Display
  • photo of anyload large L E D remote display for scales

ANYLOAD 808 Series Display Replacement Parts


Find replacement parts for the ANYLOAD 808AH, 808BH, and 808CH Displays here. Select from the list of available items in the table below; each sold separately.

Quantity Price
1 - 9 $10.00
10 - 24 $9.50
25 - 49 $9.20
50 - 99 $8.90
100 + $8.50
Tacuna Systems Price Match Guarantee

ANYLOAD 808 Series Display Replacement Parts

Available replacement parts for ANYLOAD 808 Series scale displays include the following.

AL Part Number TS Option Description
808-MB-ABC-02 808ABCH-Main-Board Main board for 808AH, 808BH, 808CH
808-DB-AB-02 808ABH-Digit-Board Digit board for 808AH, 808BH
808-DB-C-02 808CH-Digit-Board Digit board for 808CH
808-TL-02 808BH-Traffic-Light-Board Traffic light board for 808BH
808-TRANS-AB-02 808ABH-Transformer Transformer for 808AH, 808BH
808-TRANS-C-02 808CH-Transformer Transformer for 808CH
808-PAD-AB-02 808ABH-Key-Pad Keypad for 808AH, 808BH
808-PAD-C-02 808CH-Key-Pad Keypad for 808CH
808-LATCH-AB-02 808ABH-Latch-Set Set of latch 4 screws for 808AH, 808BH
808-LATCH-C-02 808CH-Latch-Set Set of latch 4 screws for 808CH
808-CABLE-1-30 808ABH-Ribbon-Cable-30 Ribbon cable for 808AH, 808BH
808-CABLE-1-51 808ABH-Ribbon-Cable-51 Ribbon cable for 808AH, 808BH
808-CABLE-1-14 808CH-Ribbon-Cable-14 Ribbon cable for 808CH


Contact us with any product-related questions before purchase.