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load cell uses

photo of a winch device showing a motor attached to a coil of thick wire that is released and recoiled through an ooutlet cylinder oriented vertically in the photo

When the Show Must Go On, Load Cells Help it Go Safely

Find out how Creative Conners, a leader in theatrical special effects, deploys our load cells to ensure safer set automation.
a conceptual diagram of the iThrone waterless toilet system that shows how a special membrane within allows pure water to evaporate

Giving a Crap: How a Simple Toilet and Load Cells are Tackling Global Ills

Learn about this award-winning concept waterless toilet system (and how we helped with vital testing) that will bring sanitation equity to the developing world.
Drawing of side view of load cells in the U of Pacific cafeteria tray food waste measuring system. They show how the wheels behind the rotating tray return assembly align with the load points of the load cells.

Bearing the Load of Social Responsibility

University of the Pacific seniors hope to increase awareness of food waste's environmental impact with the help of our load measurement products!
Drawing of rocket engine test stand showing frame to support engine and also fuel tanks and fuel lines to supply the engine. An AmCells STL load cell is at the top of the frame to measure vertical thrust.

Cal Poly Rocketry Test Stand Gets off the Ground with Tacuna Systems

In 2023, the Cal Poly Space Systems club tested their 1st bi-propellant rocket engine. See how they developed their rocketry test stand.
Tribometer experiment connectivity schematic

Measuring Contact Forces on Soft Materials for Medical Robotics and Other Applications

This case study describes measuring contact forces of medical robotics materials using the Tacuna Systems EMBSGB200 load cell amplifier.
a drawing of a red sports car on a gray road with alternating white and green lane lines. Superimposed on the whole image is a light gray, thick line drawing of an automotive drivetrain

Next-Gen Transmissions for High-Performance Hybrid Cars

Can high performance hybrids be both nimble & fuel efficient? Look at three concept hybrid transmission designs that could make that happen! See how Tacuna Systems helped with design testing.
title banner image for smart scaffolding

Improving the Safety of Scaffolding Using Sensors

Sensors can reduce many scaffold-related injuries that are reported annually. Read here how "smart scaffold" IoT solutions can improve safety.
Internet of Things Graphic

The IoT and Sensors: A Quick Overview

What is the IoT and how are sensors used in IoT applications? Find quick answers here, and read about some real-world examples.
banner image with calculator and numbers highlighting significant digits

Significant Digit Considerations for Weighing Applications

Accurate load cell measurements rely on proper rounding techniques to ensure data sets are within the range of a manufacturer's specifications. Learn more about this here.
banner illustration of a continuum robot

Continuum Robots and Tactile Sensors

A continuum robot is a continuously articulating robotic arm capable of maneuvering in restricted spaces. Learn how it works and its uses as tech advances.
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